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 Rock Theatre Projects

Rock Theatre ProjectsRock Theatre Projects - By Peter Taylor


I hope  that you  get the same feeling of expectation  that I have for 2004.
These are exciting times.

Music, seems to be melodic again.
Comedy is still alive and well.
People greet you and smile.
Vacations over, work begins again.
The children are back at school!
For some, a first time experience. [and mostly, all oblivious of the events of 2003].
Man, in the form of technoligy, walks on the Red Planet [Mars].
"A crawl for Man,
 A giant ride for Mankind" Deja vu what?

Old friends getting in touch. (thanks SA Rock Digest)
Andrew C R Lewis - Keyboardist & drinker extrodinaire (Spritzers only)
Kevin Grieg - ex Pendulum
Mike de Jager - Copperfield  Watcher & Headbanger guitarist.

Talking of Copperfield, more gigs for 2004,[ are there any good gigs out there for us old rockers] an album in the planning stage and a pleasure to play the old Classic Rock songs.
Check out [email protected]
Ps. I'm still putting this site together.

Little else to say, except Blessing and Good Vibes to you all & Feelin' Groovy.
Keep it together, and smile as often as possible.

Peter Taylor - The Wolfman

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